Voting FAQs

Facts about Forming Our Union with OPEIU Local 29 An overwhelming majority of us have expressed support for having a union at SFMFB. Today, Oct. 10, 2019, we requested the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), a neutral government agency, to hold a secret ballot...

Notice of Election

The NLRB has posted our notice for the upcoming election. See the notice below, or follow at the NLRB website here:  In the coming days, we will decide on an election day as well a location to hold the vote. More news to...

We Have Filed with the NLRB

What a momentous time in the history of the San Francisco Marin Food Bank. We walked into the local office and filed our union cards with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) requesting to be recognized by OPEIU, Local 29. We had hoped that the leadership team at...

It Is Not Illegal to Join A Union

Since October 3rd, anti-union leaflets have been appearing all over the food bank and are being printed up by the leadership and management team. Along with the leaflets, we are hearing stories of intimidation and propaganda. We’ve heard from some anonymous drivers...

Our Origin Story

Why did we unionize? The answer is multifaceted and there is no one single cause. Mismanagement, firing entire teams, a lack of professionalism towards staff, institutional racism inside our organization and in the services we administer, too much focus on funding a...