Why We Unionized

A Letter to Our Food Bank Family
We believe in the work we do, and in our mission, vision, and the future of the Food Bank. To support our work, we are uniting to form a union. Having a union will be good for us and for our organization. A union will result in an atmosphere of greater respect, dignity, and fairness; and it will give us input into how changes in the workplace affect us and the community we serve. A union contract gives us the right to have a say in our workplace. A union greatly increases our workplace protections and amplifies our voices into a collective voice. A union gives us the ability to stand together, to stand up for our coworkers, and to make sure everyone is treated equitably and with dignity.
Unions provide a basis for openness and transparency and, if necessary, the ability to enforce this. Forming a union will give us a say in decisions that impact our work, and allow us to make improvements, including:
• Cultivating fairness around compensation, benefits, and promotions
• Prioritizing consistent training specific to our jobs
• Advocating for safe and adequate staffing levels and increased staff retention
• Promoting ideas to better serve the mission of the Food Bank
• Implementing meaningful changes for racial, gender, age, and other forms of equity
• Improving access to vacation time and other benefits we’ve earned
We know this is possible because many non-profit organizations, such as Episcopal Community Services, Hamilton Families, Hospitality House, Independent Living, Senior & Disability Action, and St. Vincent DePaul are represented by OPEIU Local 29. They have made significant improvements in their contracts and working conditions. Unionized non-profits have been able to continue to impact their work standards and create a culture where everyone has a powerful voice at their organizations.
Belonging to a union means we’ll have a legally protected process and a united voice when we approach management to make positive changes. We’re not doing this because we’re against the Food Bank, or management. Just the opposite – because we care, we want the Food Bank to be the best that it can be for ourselves and for the community we serve.
Because a union means a sharing of power, sometimes employers are initially resistant to the process. However, we hope management will be supportive of our efforts to make the Food Bank more democratic and recognize that employee unions can create healthier, stronger, more stable and sustainable organizations. We ask them to respect our rights and remain neutral in this process to allow staff to organize without interference.
Creemos en el trabajo que hacemos, y en nuestra misión, visión y el futuro del Banco de Alimentos. Para apoyar nuestro trabajo, nos unimos para formar un sindicato. Tener un sindicato será bueno para nosotros y para nuestra organización. Un sindicato dará como resultado una atmósfera de mayor respeto, dignidad y justicia; y nos aporta una voz sobre cómo los cambios en el trabajo nos afectan a nosotros y a la comunidad que servimos. Un contrato sindical nos da derecho de tener una voz en nuestro lugar de trabajo. Un sindicatoaumenta en gran medida nuestras protecciones de trabajo y amplifica nuestras voces a una voz colectiva. Un sindicato nos da la capacidad de unirnos,para defender a nuestros compañeros de trabajo y asegurarnos de que todos reciban un trato justo y digno.
Los sindicatos proporcionan una fundación de sinceridad y transparencia y, si es necesario, la capacidad de aplicarlo. Formar un sindicato nos dará voz en las decisiones que afectan nuestro trabajo y nos permitirá realizar mejoramientos, que incluyen:
● Cultivar la equidad en torno a la compensación, los beneficios y las promociones.
● Priorizar la capacitación constante específica para nuestros trabajos
● Abogar por tener niveles seguros y adecuados de trabajadores, y una mayor retención de empleados.
● Promover ideas para servir mejor a la misión del Banco de Alimentos.
● Implementar cambios significativos para la equidad racial, de género, edad y otras formas de equidad.
● Mejorando el acceso al tiempo de vacaciones y otros beneficios que hemos obtenido
Sabemos que esto es posible porque muchas organizaciones comunitarias, como Episcopal Community Services, Hamilton Families, Hospitality House, Independent Living, Senior & Disability Action y St. Vincent DePaul son representadas por OPEIU Local 29 . Han realizado mejoramientos significativos en sus contratos y condiciones de trabajo. Las organizaciones comunitarias sindicalizadas han podido continuar impactando sus estándares de trabajo y crear una cultura donde todos tienen una voz poderosa en sus organizaciones.
Ser parte de un sindicato significa que tendremos un proceso legalmente protegido y una voz unida cuando nos enfrentamos a gerentes para hacer cambios positivos. No estamos haciendo esto porque estamos en contra del Banco de Alimentos o la administración. Todo lo contrario: porque nos importa, queremos que el Banco de Alimentos sea lo mejor posible para nosotros y para la comunidad a quien servimos.
Debido a que un sindicato significa compartir el poder, a veces los empleadores inicialmente se resisten al proceso. Sin embargo, esperamos que los gerentes apoyen nuestros esfuerzos para hacer que el Banco de Alimentos sea más democrático y reconozca que los sindicatos de empleados pueden crear organizaciones más saludables, más fuertes, más estables y sostenible. Les pedimos que respeten nuestros derechos y permanezcan neutrales en este proceso para permitir que los empleados se organicen sin interferencias.
● 圍繞薪酬,招聘,晉升和紀律程序方面建立更公平和透明制度,更好地獎勵,招募和保留
● 優先考慮對我們工作的持續培訓
● 建立一致和客觀的評估流程
● 實施有意義的改變,邁向不分種族,性別,年齡和其他形式的權益,一視同仁
● 建立一種使我們能夠為自己,同事,以及我們所服務的社區發聲的文化
● 改善休假時間和我們獲得的其他好處
我們為什麼相信工會有可能做到? 例如: Episcopal Community Services, Hamilton
Families, Hospitality House, Independent Living, Senior & Disability Action, St.Vincent
DePaul ,這些由 OPIEU Local 29 工會所代表的非牟利機構員工的合同得到了顯著改善。其他先
To be free, the workers must have choice. To have choice they must retain in their own hands the right to determine under what conditions they will work.
I learned that many of our own staff can’t afford to put food on their own table, despite working long hours at the food bank. I felt ashamed the we should expect the hungry to feed the hungry. Let’s give our workers a living wage!
Don’t be afraid, it is your right. Union all the way.
My coworkers and I have chosen to work at The Food Bank in part because we believe in its mission, but non profit workers are too often asked to accept less from their employers. We deserve transparency
I want a union because all people should be treated well not a select few. I want to join the union so we can work together to end hunger! I want to join the union so that we can all have one voice.
Unionizing is a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion issue because a union contract means transparency. It spells out a process for hiring, promotions and raises and removes unconscious bias from the process.
Love and Support your brothers & sisters in a fight for a better future.
I want a union because it will allow all employees to be treated fairly, have a right to a living wage and a transparent path to job growth.
I want a union because my co-workers work hard to provide for the community and they deserve a living wage.
I want a union because our voices together are stronger than one. Together we can create a better workplace. With our collective ideas, we can push for better ways to serve the community.
A vote for a union is just a vote for fairness on both sides.
A union can restore our faith in community. Too often decisions are made by a small handful of leaders that have no on-the-ground experience. A union enables all voices, perspectives, and experiences to come together to create a better future.
I want to join the union because we all deserve respect.
I want to join the union so that my coworkers are treated fairly and can afford to do this important work.