We have received a letter of support from San Francisco Supervisor, Shamann Walton who represents district 10 which is the location of the San Francisco Marin Food Bank warehouse and office. Shamann Walton believes that unions, “provide a platform that encourages a collective voice, security, and ultimately a stronger community.” See his letter here: https://sfmfoodbankunion.org/letters/
Additionally, please view letters of support from other non profit organizations that are unionized and are programmatic partners in ending hunger with the food bank. Many of these organizations hold food pantries for food we deliver to them. They help get food out into the community on our behalf and they believe that unionization is the right move! The organizations include:
- Episcopal Community Services
- Community Awareness and Treatment Services
- Hamilton Families
- Hospitality House
- Independent Living
- Senior & Disability Action
- St. Vincent DePaul