We FINALLY have bargaining on Wednesday, July 15th at 10am. After the Food Bank cancelled our June 23rd session (they informed us they were not prepared to respond), we requested to meet on July 13th and July 15th to expedite the process. Unfortunately, they were only willing to meet on July 15th. Our team will send text updates as we progress through the day. The Food Bank is supposed to be responding to us on wages and health care. We are making significant progress on many issues, but they have delayed a proposal on economics. 

We’ve been fielding some troubling concerns from members who are hearing the union being wrongly scapegoated for the Food Bank not moving forward with reviews and promotions. While the Food Bank is obligated to negotiate a starting pay scale and wage increases with us, there is nothing that prevents them from moving forward with promotions right now. The Union Contract is establishing a set floor for all benefits, wages and wage increases- a union contract is NOT a ceiling and there is nothing that prevents them from doing better than the union contract or in this case moving forward on promotions beyond current wages. We are profoundly disappointed that the Food Bank is taking this approach, but are not shocked given their position on terminations during the bargaining process. Please let your bargaining team know if you have any questions!

We hope that everyone is staying as safe and healthy as possible and look forward to updating you next week.